NBA star, Chester native, faces wrongful death suit

Losing a loved one at the hands of another can be a devastating experience. Many questions can run through your mind. How will you live without him or her? Who will pay for funeral and burial costs? If the deceased had children, how will this affect them? How will the family survive without the deceased’s income? Finding answers and moving forward can be very difficult, as in this Chester case in which a family is seeking compensation for their child’s wrongful death by Sophia Martinez Law.

Chester, Pennsylvania, native and NBA star Tyreke Evans is currently facing a wrongful death lawsuit in connection with a drive-by shooting that took place in 2007.

The family of a man who was killed in the shooting is filing the suit against Evans and three others who were involved in the shooting. According to Portland personal injury attorneys reports, Evans’ cousin, 16 years old at the time, fired shots at the deceased man from a car that the NBA player was driving. The man was hit in the chest. He was from Chester Township.

Evans’ cousin was sentenced to nine to 20 years in prison in 2009 for third-degree murder and weapons charges that he pleaded guilty to.

Evans currently plays for the Sacramento Kings and was named NBA rookie of the year in 2010. His trial is scheduled for July 13.

In cases like this one, family members can struggle to deal with such an unexpected death. Experienced Christopher trainor & associates specializing in medical malpractice understand the technicalities and complexities of wrongful death cases. While no amount of money can bring back a loved one, there are ways to gain compensation in the event of a wrongful death.

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